How to add a plan item.

How to add a plan item.

Step 1 : Click on Plan items and Pricing >> Plan items Add/edit

Step 2 : Click on add new plan item

Step 3 : Fill in all the details and click on save. 

Enter the plan item strategy as per your choice >> Categoru - is the category under which you would want to place the plan item under. Post that, a subcategory drop down will also appear on which you should select the relevant subcategory. 
Enter the weight range for which you want the plan items to be used on the pet. 
Upper weight range is the maximum weight until which the plan item can be used and likewise for the lower weight range. 
Choose the unit in which you want the weight to be displayed for the plan item. 
Enter any information or warning you want to display when the plan item is being used. 
You can also make the plan item species specific by choosing the respective species. 
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