What is difference between different pricing strategy?

What is difference between different pricing strategy?

Step 1 : Click on Plan items and Pricing >> Plan items Add/edit

Step 2 : Click on the plan cost icon shown below.

Step 3 : setup the pricing strategy 

1. Inventory With Cost Factor: The items/consumables at your clinic/hospitals for which there is a purchase cost involved and mark up added before the products are sold.
Ex: Prescriptions, Tablets, Capsules, Food Products, Heartworm Medication, Fleas and Tick items. 

2. Inventory Without Cost Factor: The items/consumables at your clinic/hospital for which there are purchase cost involved and no mark up's added and also most of the products are given or consumed at your clinic for free.
Ex:,Cotton, Syrings, Surgical Draps, Tape Etc

3. Services without cost factor: The services offered at your clinic/hospital which does not include a service fee.
Ex:Exams, Surgery,  Communication and Education handouts, Nail trims, Bathing, Daycare,

4. Services with cost factor: The services offered at your clinic/hospital which include a service fee.
Ex: In House Labs, Labs, Cremations,  

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