Getting Started With VETport Number 3 Plan Item, Reminders and Past Services, Enable Inventory

Getting Started With VETport Number 3 Plan Item, Reminders and Past Services, Enable Inventory

Plan Item Review

Plan Items are what is used to do charging in VETport. You will need to review these and edit the prices. 
VETport downloads about 5400 plan items with the launch of a clinic. These plan items are broken down into plan actions, categories, and species. The 1st item is to look at is the species you are going to see in your clinic. 
Go to Hamburger in the upper left-hand corner > EMR Management > Patient Signalment Setup > Species. 

After opening up the species pick the species you are going to see and inactivate the ones you are not going to see. VETport is set up so that when you inactivate a species it will automatically inactivate the plan items. Reducing the number you have to review. By clicking on the red X a pop-up will appear that says are you sure you want to deactivate. Click Confirm. To reactive a species you need to click on the Show deactivated box at the top.  

Now we are going to review the remaining plan item. Go to Hamburger > Plan Item and Pricing > Add Edit Plan Item.  We believe the best way to review the plan item is by categories. You will find most of the vaccinations under preventive health. Now click on the categories and a drop-down box will appear. Click on Preventive Health Services and click Search. As you can see the canine vaccines are listed under CV and the feline are under FV. By reviewing the plan item you will see how they are set up and learn the search functions. At any time you can click on the plan item box and type in a word to search. 

Plan Item Deactivate/ Edit

Edit Pricing. We recommend you search by the categories. The vaccination plan items will be under Preventative Health #1. Click on the name and then click Search#2This will bring up a list of Plan Items for Vaccinations. If you want to see the inactive plan items click on the blue box in the middle of the page #3 that says Show Inactive. To deactivate a certain plan item you can turn it off by using the green slide bar to the right #4.

By the # 5 below you will find more items you can do with the plan item. 1st being the  the check mark is for editing the plan item, if you wish to change the name, Price Strategy, Display Name, Category, Sub Category, Weight Range, Status, Information or Warning for the plan item click the check box.  for putting in the plan cost. See "Mass Edit Pricing under the Hamburger - Plan Items and Pricing.  Add Volume Discounts, Weight Surcharge, Tax Category,  adding Report Card.  A report card that is used to send home information about the plan item. 
Remember to review all the plan items and make inactive plan items you will not use.

Reminders Review 

As with plan items, VETport is downloaded with reminders attached to vaccination plan items and other plan items. You can review these reminders by going to Hamburger > Remind Compliance and Marketing > Reminder Management 

Here you will find a list of all the reminders that are active in the VETport system. All these reminders were put in by clicking on the ADD REMINDER #1 
To add a reminder to past services as described below click on check box # 2
#3 check box is for editing the reminder.
#4 turns the reminder on and off. 

Now let us review how to put in a reminder. To add a reminder click on ADD REMINDER and to edit a reminder click on check mark # 1
This will bring up the following page.

1. Reminder Name. You can give your reminder a name and it will appear on the email / SMS reminders that are sent out to your clients. 

2. Remind Self. Do you want the reminder to remind itself or remind for another plan item? An example of this would be Rabies 3 years. We would put Yes Remind Sefl for this plan item but for Rabies 1 year we would put No because when the 1 year Rabies is due the would be due for the 3 Years Rabies. So we would put in 3 years for remind other. 

3. Plan Item. The name of the plan item that will trigger the reminder 

4. Display Life Cycle. Here you put in when you want the reminder to go out and or how long. 

5. Where to Display. Where do you want the reminder to display?  So it starts 15 days before the 1095 (about 3 yrs.)  the days after the performance date START SENDING THIS REMINDER.  How often should the reminder be sent out within 30 days?  When should you stop sending reminders? this would be the 1095 - 15 + 195 =1275 / 30 = 6.5. So this reminder will go out 7 times every 30 days. 

6. Reminer Factor: This is when you are selling an item that gets a quantity like Heartworm medication. Let's say you sell  3 Heartworm pills and you want to send a reminder when the client is going to run out. You would need to turn on this flag so the system will look at the date in put in the reminder for 3 months. from now. 

7.  Reminder Type There are two types Remind Other and Delete. This is where you would put in the 3 Years Rabies under Remind Other.

8. Remember to SAVE your reminder!

Past Service Reminders. 

As before VETport has already added most vaccines to the Past Reminder History Page. To review this page go to a patient EMR. In the control panel (dark blue area on the top of the page) on the MEDICAL RECORD BAR (fourth line down in the control panel bar click HISTORY FORM > PAST SERVICE. Here you can review what is on the past service page. To add a reminder to this list you need to click on the past service check box as below.

Do you want to be able to send out reminders for clients that bring in a medical record with vaccination dates?

 How to Enable Inventory

ONLY do this when you are ready to set up your inventory. Enabling inventory will not let you sell a plan item that has not been received. 

Click here

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